And you need people like me. Someone who’ll not only help you find the confidence to step up and make that difference, but also support you as you create a life you love.
(like you) get stuck in one or all of the following dilemmas.

I know how awful this feels. You question your willpower, you question your commitments. You even question whether you really want to be doing that thing you say you want to do.
Here’s the deal. Procrastination isn’t about willpower or commitments or desire. It’s not even an unsolvable mystery.
Procrastination is a formula. And when you discover and change your key element of the formula, it becomes exponentially easier to get out of procrastination and into action.

Super Simple Self-Coaching (a free resource)
Imagine for a moment if you could use something to draw you into action, to inspire you in such a way that you could just do what needs to be done (so you could get to the things you really want to do)? And if there was a limitless supply of this magical something?
Feeling Good – It’s not bad (a free resource)
Feeling good, even when it’s not how we’re conditioned to feel in a situation, can be the most supportive, powerful thing you can do. Feeling good reduces stress, opens up options and allows you to respond more fully in any situation. But how do you do it?
March Workshops in Phoenix
Back on Track: Make this the year you reach your goals Do you set big goals or resolutions, and fail to reach them? Or maybe you've quit setting goals altogether because you can’t stand the thought of being disappointed. Again. It doesn’t have to be so hard. In this...
Change starts with a single step